One day in 2005, a group of boys from Hope High School in Providence found their way to the basement of a Rhode Island School Design building at 20 Washington Place. Their school had was placed under state control due to low performance and high dropout rates, and the boys, who craved an artistic outlet, had heard something about an after-school program at RISD. POD Director, Dr. Paul Sproll, recalls this group of students wandering into this after-school on their own and asking, "Hey, can we join?"
Dr. Sproll typically taught graduate students, but back in 2005, he had volunteered for a semester to teach an after-school studio for students at Feinstein High School in Providence. It was this after-school program that the Hope students had discovered. Dr. Sproll realized this program had something that could be meaningful both for artistically talented but under-served teens in the city's public schools. Project Open Door has continued to uphold this purpose and provides free, quality art and design programming to high school students in Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, + Woonsocket.